Dr. Wallace Wrightwood: I'm gonna say this once. 'Gonna say it simple. And I hope to God for your sakes you all listen. There are no Abominable Snowmen. There are so Sasquatches. There are no Big Feet! [the family begins to giggle. Unbeknownst to Wrightwood, Harry is standing right behind him] Dr. Wallace Wrightwood: Am I missing something?

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


After too much discussion and thought:

The best superhero power is the ability to turn into other stuff, namely animals. You are effective as a spy or could fight crime or destroy stuff. The power would have to allow you to turn into any animal and at any time. The only risk is if you lose your power while you are in animal form and then you are stuck as that animal.

The worst superhero power would be exploding arms. Your arms explode completely at random and the explosion isn't destructive like a bomb, but bloody and gross....like exploding arms. Also there's a big risk the arms would not grow back. It's a pretty ineffective superhero power.

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