Dr. Wallace Wrightwood: I'm gonna say this once. 'Gonna say it simple. And I hope to God for your sakes you all listen. There are no Abominable Snowmen. There are so Sasquatches. There are no Big Feet! [the family begins to giggle. Unbeknownst to Wrightwood, Harry is standing right behind him] Dr. Wallace Wrightwood: Am I missing something?

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Recessions are harmless too. Really.

As the recession deepens, I can't help but think Republicans hate poor people. No, wait. Everyone. They must hate everyone.

I know a lot of people who have been personally affected by the bad economic climate. I have friends who've been laid off, and my own job isn't secure for the long-term. My boyfriend and I luckily live in a tiny apartment and don't have a mortgage or children, but I do have a lot of debt thanks to my education and past spending habits. I don't feel like we're poor, but I do feel some loathing from the Republican Party.

There's a segment of the Republican Party that feels like if you've fallen on hard times it's your fault. They're right. It's your fault if you bought into the "American Dream". If you mortgaged your future on your $30,000-a-year job to buy a house in the suburbs, an SUV, i-pods for the kids, then you deserve to literally have the rug pulled out from under you and the front door locked. The car repossessed and the i-pods sold on e-bay (for pennies). You knew you couldn't afford that stuff, but you somehow allowed yourself to believe the spending was validated by the fact the banker gave you the loan for the house and the credit card repeatedly increased your limit.

The banks bundled your risky loan with other risky loans and sold them. The credit card company hedged its bets on making loads of money of your mostly interest-only minimum monthly payments. Stores and companies made money off the stuff you bought...everyone makes money as you spend, spend, spend. New companies made new products with new flashy commercials and you want, want, want. You thought you were living the American Dream. You had stuff and a house and a job. Then you lost the job, and the house quickly followed.

Now those same people who made you want, want, want and profited off your spending are blaming you for own irresponsible spending. It is your fault. It's my fault too - but it's hard to not be irresponsible when there are so many things out there to want and buy. I don't think we spenders should be "bailed out" or let off the hook entirely. I just want those Republicans out there who harbor loathing towards those who need help to see that the private enterprise they love so much holds a share of the blame.

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