Dr. Wallace Wrightwood: I'm gonna say this once. 'Gonna say it simple. And I hope to God for your sakes you all listen. There are no Abominable Snowmen. There are so Sasquatches. There are no Big Feet! [the family begins to giggle. Unbeknownst to Wrightwood, Harry is standing right behind him] Dr. Wallace Wrightwood: Am I missing something?

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Narcissism Helps the Economy

This holiday season is tough. Stores are going out of business, everyone is losing their jobs, and no one can afford their rent or mortgage payments - let alone gifts for everyone from the cat to the mailman. Well, okay, your cat might actually still get a gift.

Who can afford Christmas in this economy? I know I can't. So I've decided to scale back my gift giving. I only ever gave my immediate family gifts, so I've scaled back from four people to buy for to zero. I had some really nice things picked out too, but it's a recession. They'll understand.

Of course, I still want to celebrate Christmas and picking out little gifts you know your loved ones will enjoy is all part of the season. So I decided to buy for one person this season. The person I love most. Myself. It's been a tough year, you know, for the planet. I think I deserve it.

I kicked off the season of giving by surprising myself with lunch yesterday. It was so thoughtful of myself! It really was a nice surprise. I followed lunch with a bit of shopping. I found a few DVDs I know my brother would love, but I knew I'd also love them, so I bought them for myself. What am I? A socialist? He can buy his own DVDs! Then myself and I enjoyed some holiday cocktails as I/we thought about all the things I can buy myself for Christmas now that I'm not weighed down by buying for other people. I briefly considered giving to a charity, but realized that was ridiculous. Why would I give to some charity when I could use the money to buy that ridiculously-overpriced pair of jeans I hadn't even thought about before that very moment? Clothes! I realized I really needed a few new outfits to impress people at holiday parties.

"The best part? Those are necessities, not gifts!" I said to myself.

As visions of Blackberry Storms and new toys for my cat bounced through my head, I pictured myself, all dolled up at Christmas lunch, impressing my family with my exquisite taste in leather boots and overpriced sweaters.

Ah, Narcissistic Scrooge is home for the holidays.

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